ELi5: How did plastic straws specifically become targeted for eco-friendly banning, but similar disposables like plastic forks and spoons didn’t?


ELi5: How did plastic straws specifically become targeted for eco-friendly banning, but similar disposables like plastic forks and spoons didn’t?

In: Culture

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

How often do you use a straw in your life and how often do you use plastic forks and spoons in your life?

Almost every drink you get at a restaurant, or fast food, or a movie theater etc. has a straw.

The only time you use plastic silverware really is the occasional fast food meal that requires it or at a picnic or on a trip or moving.

and if you are using plastic silverware 100% of the time, you reeeally should take a long hard look at your life.

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