ELi5: How did plastic straws specifically become targeted for eco-friendly banning, but similar disposables like plastic forks and spoons didn’t?


ELi5: How did plastic straws specifically become targeted for eco-friendly banning, but similar disposables like plastic forks and spoons didn’t?

In: Culture

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it was a perfect storm.

there was that video of a turtle with the straw in nose. which is terrible but probably pretty rare in relation to other garbage related deaths of sea animals.

then a kid decided to try to see how many plastic straws america used and threw away for a school paper. so they called all the local fast food restaurants nearby and asked them to estimate how many plastic straws they used in a day or week or whatever. then she just multiplied that average by however many restaurants the kid thought there were in the US… thats how they go the total.

its like… im not complaining, because pollution is bad and all… but straws becoming public enemy number 1, and letting corporations give themselves pats on the back for replacing them… it didn’t do that much for the environment.

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