Eli5 How did prehistoric animals get so big?


And why are animals a lot smaller now?

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5 Answers

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If you were a caveman and it’s winter – you might have 3 options:

1. Stow away some seeds and berries in the summer and hope they don’t rot.
2. Eat a bunch of tiny ants, crickets, and other tiny insects.
3. Kill one big animal, light a fire, and have a barbecue with all your friends and family.

Humanity chose option 3 – a 300+ lb giant animal killed by one person with a bow and arrow can provide your friends and family with enough food for weeks potentially.

They found that more convenient than trying to find hundreds of pounds of insects or hundreds of pounds of fruit/veggies on the off season.

Some of the smaller animals could reproduce fast enough. The bigger animals often don’t reproduce as quickly so many died out.

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