Eli5 How did the enslavement process actually started for Africans during African Americans slave trade ?


I hope my question doesn’t offend anyone I genuinely want actual facts.

In some parts in Europe people often say that we tricked the Africans by buying their people with things like glass that look valuable but aren’t, but I don’t believe this to be true because it blames the African people and portrays them as stupid etc, so I wondered how it actually happened/started.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your in the wrong sub, thus isnt a ELI5 topic

Who actually the started the ball rolling on the triangle slave trade was some Posh English Lord trying to get rich.
How the Slave trade was allowed to grow to the point it did is a very long topic that you could write books on. Africa was and still is a very divisive continent with many different cultures and practices. Imagine if you heard rumors that people from Africa were buying white Europeans for bits of glass and taking them home to trade for molasses? You don’t believe it, and neither did most the neighboring countries that were affected at first. Slavery was mostly a foreign concept to most countries in Africa. African countries attacked one another and absorbed each other, but it wasn’t common to enslave people in the process in the way we picture slavery. By the time people noticed, there was too much resources changing hands and power to lose for things to stop. Nobody in Africa had the power to stop it.

There is a lot more, but this is a major reason.

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