eli5 : how do actors working in daily soaps get paid?


I think I’m too dumb to ask this but I genuinely do not know how actors playing in TV programs get paid. or even how the broadcasted content is directly related to no of viewers watching? and how me watching a program will turn out to be a finance for these guys.
I know you pay for your cable and stuff but how does that get processed?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Production companies make the shows and pay the actors according to contacts. The actors get $x/week during the season or $y/episode. The production company also pays for the sets, crew, etc.

The production company sells the show to a network who airs it. The network airing the show sells commercials that air during the show, with rates that vary based on size of audience and demographics of viewers. The networks also get monthly fees from the cable and satellite providers that offer the channel to subscribers.

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