eli5 : how do actors working in daily soaps get paid?


I think I’m too dumb to ask this but I genuinely do not know how actors playing in TV programs get paid. or even how the broadcasted content is directly related to no of viewers watching? and how me watching a program will turn out to be a finance for these guys.
I know you pay for your cable and stuff but how does that get processed?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pretty much the same as any other show.

Writers have an idea for a show. They pitch a show to networks until they find a network that is willing to provide funding to that show for their operations. Generally, a pilot is ordered to test out the concept and make sure it reviews well before a full season(s) is ordered. Showmakers find actors to try out for the show, and negotiate payment terms for their acting. Pilot occurs, network orders x number of episodes/seasons based on the reviews for the pilot, actors get paid for their acting according to the terms of their contract. Network gets their money from any subscriber revenue and advertisements.

So money flow goes advertisers/subscribers -> network -> show producers -> actors

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