Eli5: How do animals learn to have sex?


Eli5: How do animals learn to have sex?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The real question is: why are we the only mammals who think we have to teach our young (apart from the contraception part)?
Instinct and experience. Breeders value “experienced” studs, Tom cats, stallions, whatever. They are less likely to hurt the female and get the job done properly. Experienced females are better at giving birth and caring for the babies, also.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Instinct. The happy chemicals in their brain say if you do that it’ll be good. But learn isn’t the right word rather than know

Anonymous 0 Comments

All animals, including humans, have general instincts. How do you know you’re thirsty? Half the time, you’ve got a glass of water in your hand without thinking about it.

The same with sex. Teenagers have sex in places where there’s no sex ed, because a man and a woman together will follow their urges until they figure it out. Same with animals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t always learn well.

There’s some story about a guy peeing into a girl because he had no idea how it went down.