eli5: How do Captcha’s know the correct answer to things and beyond verification what are their purpose?


I have heard that they are used to train AI and self driving cars and what not, but if thats the case how do they know the right answers to things. IF they need to train AI to know what a traffic light is, how do they know im actually selecting traffic lights? and could we just collectively agree to only select the top right square over and over and would their systems eventually start to believe it that this was the right answer? Sorry this is a lot of questions

In: 3352

16 Answers

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Most of the data in CAPTCHAS have already been verified by humans in control runs. So that grid will have a reference in a database that essentially says “Correct Panels: 1, 3, 5”

What you do as a human that helps AI train, is you contribute your results as error metrics. “Even humans get this wrong.” is a great help to AI, since it can then be taken in as a somewhat acceptable parameter. Let’s say the answers are 1, 3, 5, and 7, but 95+% of humans only mark 1, 3, and 5.

That now becomes a passing result for an AI as well, and they’ll try to get 7 as well, but remember, humans also fail that particular piece, so if the AI misses it, it’s not considered to be part of the error.

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