ELi5: How do computers/the internet become smarter than humans?


Title. Computers and the Internet are some of *the most important* things to come out of recent history almost *entirely* due to the fact that they can *give anyone any information they need*. But how does this happen? How the hell could something *made by humans be smarter than its creator*? It seems so fucking impossible for something to be smarter than its creator, but computers pull this off *every single time one’s created*. This pretty-deep question has seriously bugged me so hard that I’m having a bunch of strangers on the internet who know better than me answer this.

Also, please use less-technical terms that could be understood by a 13-year old, thanks.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sorry to borrow from a reply of yours, but important point :

> But how does the internet virtually have all the information in the world

It’s important to know that the internet itself contains **nothing**. It’s just a really neat network of networks perfected by us humans.

When you think you are getting *on* the internet, you’re in fact letting your device *become* the internet.

You use programs on your device, to ask other devices for data, and it’s all done using the network that contains nothing.

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