ELi5: How do computers/the internet become smarter than humans?


Title. Computers and the Internet are some of *the most important* things to come out of recent history almost *entirely* due to the fact that they can *give anyone any information they need*. But how does this happen? How the hell could something *made by humans be smarter than its creator*? It seems so fucking impossible for something to be smarter than its creator, but computers pull this off *every single time one’s created*. This pretty-deep question has seriously bugged me so hard that I’m having a bunch of strangers on the internet who know better than me answer this.

Also, please use less-technical terms that could be understood by a 13-year old, thanks.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Computers are able to give anyone any information they need because those computers got all of their information *from* humans in the first place. This is no more remarkable than a dictionary having all the words with their meanings.

This doesn’t make computers smarter than humans. It just means that they are good repositories for storing and retrieving information. For the most part*, nothing exists on a computer that wasn’t put their first by a human being. Computers can just regurgitate that with better than human accuracy and repetition.

* – I say “for the most part” because discussions like this invariably delve into AI. But even then computers aren’t “smarter” than humans. Human-like, general AI is still far away.

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