Eli5- How do consumer drones (DJI, etc) broadcast the camera image to your phone from so far away? How come you can control a drone and view the feed like a mile away but I have trouble getting Wi-Fi reception on the other side of condo


Eli5- How do consumer drones (DJI, etc) broadcast the camera image to your phone from so far away? How come you can control a drone and view the feed like a mile away but I have trouble getting Wi-Fi reception on the other side of condo

In: 191

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two important things range of communication depends on when it comes to radio communication frequency and power. Higher frequency means more data but less range, this is why 5 ghz can carry more data than a 2.4 GHz wifi signal. Power increases range but the further your signal travels but the fewer people can use the same signal without interference. Like imagine being in a crowded room the louder people talk the lower the amount of productive conversations but the further away you’ll be able to hear a particular person. Now both wifi and Bluetooth are heavily used and therefore their power is severely limited. However if you use a different frequency band with higher power limits you can greatly increase range

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