Eli5- How do consumer drones (DJI, etc) broadcast the camera image to your phone from so far away? How come you can control a drone and view the feed like a mile away but I have trouble getting Wi-Fi reception on the other side of condo


Eli5- How do consumer drones (DJI, etc) broadcast the camera image to your phone from so far away? How come you can control a drone and view the feed like a mile away but I have trouble getting Wi-Fi reception on the other side of condo

In: 191

8 Answers

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Drones use radio signals to operate. Similar to how your car radio can get sound or how your TV used to work. Radio waves can travel pretty far, but objects and other radio waves can interfere with them. Wifi uses radio as well, but doesn’t use a strong signal. I mean, you don’t want the whole city to be able to see your network. Also, wifi routers are indoors. So there can be a lot of walls, electrical components, or other things in the way to your TV or phone.

My drone has a 3 mile max distance… in perfect conditions. In reality, I can see about a mile to a mile and half depending on where I am. I did try and fly it outside while I was inside once and the distance was like a quarter mile or less. Two miles is the max I’ve flown it and I was in the country with an OK line of sight. Had I been on top of a hill, then I could have probably flown it the full 3 miles.

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