Eli5: How do cyclists stay balanced?


Seeing people cycling and having done it myself, well, tried, I don’t get how people avoid the slightest variation in weight on one side not tipping it over. They are essentially riding on a coin edge.

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3 Answers

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a 2 wheeled vehicle will always want to stay upright above a given speed (based on weight). If you lack the muscle memory to steer opposite to your goal, it can be difficult to reach that speed. What this means is to go rught, you push the right handlebar (turning the wheel to the left), the bike falls into the turn, you then correct, and it stands up. Check out Flick of the Wrist by Keith Code.

track stands are different. You can get to a point where you use small back and forth motions to keep balanced while stopped, but this is skill Nd not physics.

Training wheels teach kids the wrong movements. Balance bikes are better and teach the inherent physics without the tip-over

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