[ELI5] How do fire helicopters get permission to take water from private swimming pools?


[ELI5] How do fire helicopters get permission to take water from private swimming pools?

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4 Answers

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Depending on the country, emergency services and police have a extended access to resources in case of emergency. They can do speeding, can make noise in the middle of the night, can cut a forest on their own will, they can trespass any land and destroy any property if needed. They can fly in no fly zones, disturb air traffic, they can fly against what the aviation rules are.

All of this as long as the emergency type do really require it and they are punished if they abuse it.

Taking water from pool is not the weirdest thing they can do.

The laws rule that as long as the emergency needs a resource, they can take it. The state will refund the eventual damage in reasonable cases.

All of this is pre-authorized. They have a list of things they can or cannot do for each case.

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