While others explained the chlorophyll part, I will explain the where do they get color part.
Chlorophyll is not floating around randomly inside the cell, it’s contained in little sacks (organelles) called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts can turn into chromoplasts, which are little bags filled with carotenoid pigments, which give yellow, red and orange colors.
Vacuoles are another type of organelle, they are essentially little sacks as well (most organelles are just little sacks haha, inside a larger sack: the cell), and they are used essentially as a warehouse storing all kinds of stuff the cell needs. They can store pigments as well, anthocyanins which have purple and bluish colors and flavonoids, which are yellow.
Oh by the way, the chlorophyll in chloroplasts is contained inside little sacks stacked on each other. Triple sack-ception!
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