ELI5… How do gnats just… show up?


I understand what their attracted to. Moisture/fungus etc. But I over watered my plants a couple weeks ago and BAM, gnats. They’re indoor plants so I’m just curious how they showed up/ get in the house? Do they lay dormant or something? Are they in the soil? EXPLAIN, PLEASE. Thank you in advanced.

Edit to include that I live in Canada and it’s winter and cold where I live. Obviously gnats can’t survive outdoors in this weather. Do they find a place to live somewhere in the house and lay dormant until it’s snack time? I just don’t get it. They just seemingly magically appear and I need answers!

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A single gnat will lay somewhere between 20-100 eggs. Possibly even more.

So one gnat gets in, and about a week or two later, boom, instant swarm of gnats.

Also the eggs can lay dormant for a few weeks. So they can wait to hatch, though it’s still a few days till the larva turns into flying gnats.

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