Eli5 How do grocery stores around the world afford to be fully/half stocked in a product 24/7 simultaneously even in small towns where not everything’s bought?


Eli5 How do grocery stores around the world afford to be fully/half stocked in a product 24/7 simultaneously even in small towns where not everything’s bought?

In: 47

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not sure if anyone’s mentioned it, but I used to work for a gas station. There were a couple different vendors/suppliers. Most of them were as you’d expect. You say you need x amount of y products, you pay for that, and they deliver it and it’s now 100% your responsibility. But there were also vendors that would supply us products, but we’d only have to pay once they were sold. It’s only technically the stores property for a split time when you check out. For these products, if they go expired, it wouldn’t be the stores problem. We’d set it aside and when the vendor would come next time, they’d pick up any products that is still technically theirs and expired, and gave the store a bit of credit for the loss of goods

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