eli5 how do martial arts work


How do you do know when to do the moves? Is it once the opponent does the move too or something

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7 Answers

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As stated earlier its all about muscle memory. Practicing day in and day out puts your mind and body into an auto mode when faced. Someone stated adreliene makes you forget which is what typically happens when you get into a confromtation. This is also why most black belts you see or meet have been doing it for several years if not longer (my Instructer has been at it for 20 years)

To me the main discipline in any martial arts is the connection of mind and body. Me personally I have a black belt in hapkido (2nd dan) and i have noticed over the years the almost immediate reaction to situations (a punch/kick/ someone grabbing you from behind)

When i teach my newer students and what i think part of your question was in the gym while learning is the movenents are slower and generally much weaker than you would find on the street. I dont know about karate myself but using what i know. Going full strength against someone WILL lead to injuries depending on the movement. My saying is often “10-20% in the gym cause we like our training partners”

That being said the movements you are practicing may look impractical in the gym but also because your training partner knows whats coming and what you are gonna do. Someone trying to fight you on the street typically inst going to know what your doing or why.

I also know it was stated here but i will echo it. Chances of you actually street fighting someone who has any kind of martial arts training is very slim as the core of any martial art is self control and the ability to walk away from the situation and that training is typically reserved for self defense(though most forms will have an arsenal of offensive based movements)

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