I know a lot of people say they don’t but based on what iv seen we consume LOTS of micro plastics iv even seen a study that says we eat a credit cards worth a week if that’s true then there must be some way for our body to remove them since otherwise we’d have too much plastic in us I also heard that there is plastic in our livers and testicles . How does our body remove all of that and how much would donating blood help?
In: Biology
There are so many different types of plastic all with different properties in how they affect the body.
We poop out most of it back out, just as with anything that the body aren’t designed to absorb, it’s just going to act like a tiny bit of additional fiber.
A small amount does get absorbed because the semi permeable membranes in our digestive system aren’t perfect at distinguishing everything and these get into bloodstream. These then get into other organs in the body, and these are the ones that causes concerns.
Some of those might get caught by the immune system and removed by the body just as any natural foreign unknown particles that our body doesn’t know what to do with.
The most concerning are ones that have chemical structure that is similar to existing molecules that confused our body into using them up, but they don’t function properly because they aren’t similar enough and don’t act the same as the molecules they’ve been confused with. These causes various effects that are currently not very well understood.
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