I know a lot of people say they don’t but based on what iv seen we consume LOTS of micro plastics iv even seen a study that says we eat a credit cards worth a week if that’s true then there must be some way for our body to remove them since otherwise we’d have too much plastic in us I also heard that there is plastic in our livers and testicles . How does our body remove all of that and how much would donating blood help?
In: Biology
Microplastics have been found in every type of bodily tissue and organ. It’s been found in breast milk, semen, blood, every layer of skin, muscle, fat, and all of our organs. Our body doesn’t deliberately remove it because it’s inorganic and isn’t seen as a threat. Some gets removed just by being caught in normal waste removal processes, but that’s about it. If you live in the modern world, it’s essentially impossible to prevent microplastics from entering your body, and our body doesn’t have a specific process for removing them.
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