ELI5. how do old builduings get refurbished? Façade and structurally? What is more cost effective: destroy+rebuild or refurb?


ELI5. how do old builduings get refurbished? Façade and structurally? What is more cost effective: destroy+rebuild or refurb?

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3 Answers

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To add to what u/user_account_deleted said, some buildings are also protected for their cultural or historical value.

If it’s just the looks then the frontage will be preserved while everything behind that will be knocked down and rebuilt to modern needs and standards. E. g. a mansion being converted to apartments, each of course with its own bathroom and kitchen.

If it’s the building as a whole then it’s restoration work, a job for specialized workers. In France the “Monuments historiques” keep a keen eye on what’s under their supervision and the owner has to get a permit for any modification or even repair.

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