Eli5: How do people not develop hyperthermia when participating in polar plunges?


Popular travel vloggers, known for their adventures around the world, visit Iceland in the winter and decide to take a polar plunge in a freezing cold glacial lagoon. Despite the shock of the icy water, they both manage to stay in for a short period of time and emerge unharmed. How do they manage to avoid developing hyperthermia?

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12 Answers

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Hyper means increased, hypo means decreased. Assuming you meant hypothermic, the outside of the body can be cooled without its core temperature going down too much. A quick dip isn’t enough to cool all the body down. Blood vessels at the skin constrict to send less blood to the outside of the body for a short while, and muscles spasm or shake in order to warm up the insides of the body. If you notice when you get in cold water, you tend to tense up all the muscles, that’s the body’s way of increasing body temperature.

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