eli5 : How do people photoshop things out of pictures without knowing what the background is?


Do people have to take TWO pictures at the same angle in order to photoshop things out? How do they know what the background looks like?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

they make it up using what’s around. if your subject stands in front a green grass field, you just make up more green grass field. but if your subject happened to be standing in front of 1 red rose in a green grass field, then your made up more green grass field would be wrong, as it is missing a red rose. but unless someone knew there was a red rose behind the subject, no one would know the picture is inaccurate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Having two photos is really nice and helps out a ton when editing out objects, but it can’t always be done

What people usually do is copy stuff from around and edit it so it looks in the correct place, it takes time and isn’t always perfect, but it can be very good

Anonymous 0 Comments

Photoshop has the option of “copying” a specific part on another place, generally used for blending. It is simply assumption based on what part of background they already have.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually you can get away with clone tool which basically copy and pastes nearby pixels. So if there is a bird in front of leaves in the distance, you would have it copy from the section with leaves and paste where the bird is. Then you can use a gradated eraser to make the edges blend into the background.

There’s lots of other methods.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They make it up. If the background is a somewhat predictable texture like a white wall, a blue sky or the sand on the beach they literally copy paste bits of the visible background, otherwise they have to actually draw it either by copying from other pictures (from the same set or not) or using other techniques.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it’s better explained with a video — [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWn0lxRNqos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWn0lxRNqos)

Anonymous 0 Comments

> Do people have to take TWO pictures at the same angle in order to photoshop things out?

Ideally this is what you would do. Get a photo from the same spot both with the subject and thing to be shopped out (a light stand maybe) and a photo with nothing there to provide a background. This second shot is known as a ‘Clean Plate’.

But otherwise yeah, you make up the background from the context of the photo. It doesnt have to actually reflect reality, just look right in the photo.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To remove an object you need to fool the viewer.

In most cases, the viewer has no idea what was there in reality so the only thing you can do it to look at the surroundings and if something does the match what is around is you can determine that is is fake. But the person that remove the object is a human with very similar experience so they can replace the area with something that looks realistic for them.
So if it looks realistic for them it would look realistic for you.
There is in most cases no need to know what was there because the viewer does not either.

If it is a famous location you might know what is there but then there likely are other photos of it online so you can use them as guides.

You could only spot the object removal if it is a location or a partially visible object like a model of car that is well known to you but not to the person that manipulates the image and that is a very rare situation so it seldom happens for you.

So in most cases, there is no need to know what was there you only need to make it look possible when compared to the surrounding that you have in the image.