eli5 how do professional eaters not die when consuming so many calories / sodium in such a short time


Example, Joey chesnut eating 15 pounds of Big Mac in one sitting

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not their daily intake, and the stuff they are eating isn’t as “poisonous” as popular/social media wants everyone to believe when eaten occasionally by an otherwise healthy person. Even the Supersize Me dude that had McDonalds for multiple meals a day over a period of several months didn’t die. And, as someone else said, they probably don’t keep it all down for long. They shovel a bunch of junk down their gullet, accept their trophy, and then probably go find a private place to “purge” (aka, puke it back up). I mean, just look at your example – Joey Chestnut. If he was really consuming that much food on a regular basis, he’d weight at least 3-4 times what he does now, even if he spent every hour not eating in the gym working out

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