Eli5 How do psychedelics like magic mushrooms work?


I just watched a documentary about fungi where they showed that there are mushrooms that are psychedelics. Does consuming the mushroom change the way our neurons work? I also found it interesting that people who consumed such psychedelics experience a strong loving and powerful force (kinda like God). Does this have any connection with people who experience closeness to a higher power after meditating for a long time like Buddhist monks, sages, etc.?
I’m just curious to know whether such psychosis episodes after consuming shrooms are similar to that attained after gaining enlightenment by meditating. Or probably this just some bs that I’m talking about.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Psychadelic mushrooms contain the chemical psilosyben which is converted to psilosen in your gut. Psilosen binds to neurotransmitters similar to serotonin and activates your visual cortex.

Its an interesting experience, but the netflix mushroom doc that i think you are referring to makes it seem like its all super spiritual and loving. It can be, but it can also be awkward and scary.

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