Eli5 – How do schools use substitute teachers? How do substitute teachers make reliable income?


Eli5 – How do schools use substitute teachers? How do substitute teachers make reliable income?

In: Other

17 Answers

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It varies from district to district, but generally a school board has a “call list” of substitute teachers. When regular teachers need a day off, because they are sick or have an appointment or whatever, they let the school board know that they need a substitute teacher. The school board then contacts people on the sub list, by phone or internet, to find one who is available. Many school boards allow teachers to contact substitute teachers directly, and then inform the school board about the arrangement so the sub gets paid.

As far as reliable income goes, it’s not usually that reliable. A substitute teacher with good availability and a good reputation might get quite a bit of work, but many substitute teachers are lucky to get more than a couple of days of work each week, and have to have a second job on weekends/evenings to make ends meet.

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