eli5: How do sleep apnea machines work?


Do they force air in? Wouldn’t that be super uncomfortable

In: Biology

14 Answers

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It’s just some air pressure to not let some tissue at the back of your throat collapse and block the air way. It’s also super-silent in modern machines, surprisingly.

If you have sleep apnea, totally go to to a sleep lab and let them check how bad it is. I’ve probably not have real deep sleep for many years (I didn’t even know you could live like that but lots of mental and other health issues might very much be related). Yeah, it’s kinda annoying at first (it’s not easy to fit the mask correctly onto your face, so you don’t get annoying air leaks), but suddenly I sleep for exactly 7,5 hours every night, get tired like normal people at night and while I fear that over those many years I might have done irreparable damage to my brain, my sleep is just good now.

The best inspiration for doing this (because for some stupid reason I just totally never wanted to have such a machine) was to watch a video of a person suffering from sleep apnoe. Seeing how the half-sleeping body is thrashing about, fighting for its life and imagining this was me several HUNDRED times each night… yeah, not a pretty thought.

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