Eli5, how do sound equilizers work? If there is only one audio file, how do equilizers differentiate between bass, minds, and things like that and then are able to change them?


Eli5, how do sound equilizers work? If there is only one audio file, how do equilizers differentiate between bass, minds, and things like that and then are able to change them?

In: Technology

5 Answers

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It turns out you can build electronic circuits that can filter audio based on a range of frequencies. For a simple ‘Low/Mid/High’ EQ there would be three filters. One would filter out everything higher than a certain point. Another would filter out anything lower than a certain point. The last one would do the opposite of the other two. So now you have the entire range of audio frequencies but it’s split into three separate audio signals.

At this point you can adjust each signal up and down. Then the EQ mixes the signals back together.

When it comes to digital audio the same thing can be done except it’s done with clever math instead of physical electronic circuits.

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