eli5: How do surgeons remove a brain tumor without damaging the brain?


I’ve been watching Grey’s Anatomy (I know) and I’m curious- I know that you have to move around the ‘important parts’ to access a tumor if you’re able to even operate at all. But, how is any part of the brain ‘not important’? Meaning, how are surgeons able to touch and manipulate parts of the brain without it 1) turning into mush 2) being damaged and affected permanently ? Thank you and sorry if this is a dumb question, Grey’s has me real into this.

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The literal answer to your question is: they can’t. Any surgery causes damage, this is especially true of a wad of soft tissues that are covered in layers of blood vessles/goo and squeezed into an elaborate series of fused bone plates. The number of ACTUAL brain surgeries (where you’re getting into and screwing around in the soft tissues) is very low for this reason. Most ‘neurosurgery’ is related to the bones and connective tissues attached to the CNS.

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