eli5: How do the cops/FBI help someone create a whole new identity?


How does this work? Like do they help them get all the paperwork done? Or like, do they create a fictitious history for them? Because I would imagine having any trace of their old identity with credit history etc could put them in danger if the people they testified against etc. happened to come across them.

In: 24

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Obviously, the specifics of this are hazy exactly because the witness protection program doesn’t want to tell people what and how things are done, so that people don’t figure out what to look for.

But it is likely that completely new identities are created from the ground up — new social security numbers, new names and corresponding ID cards. Effectively a lot of sanctioned forgery of identity. Perhaps even whole new credit histories. But again, the secrecy is part of the schtick and we can’t say for sure.

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