eli5: How do the factors of a faraday cage work?


I understand faraday cages block EM waves by creating it’s own EM field in response to the original EM waves, and I know faraday cages can have holes, but what parameters mean what? How does wall thickness play in? Hole size? Distance between the wall of the cage and objects that are supposed to be shielded? Does grounding the cage electrically do anything? I’ve searched around a bit and found little information into the parameters, and I’d like to hear all that others can provide for info relating to faraday cages.

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wall thickness mostly helps more current pass through the metal and drain to the ground. Cause wires that are too thin will melt.

Hole size is about blocking [EM waves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrum); higher frequency waves have a smaller wavelength, and “smaller waves” could pass through the holes.

Distance between cage and object [doesn’t really have an effect](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QqEesFaboV4/maxresdefault.jpg). Electricity will follow the much easier path of going through the metal, to the ground.

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