ElI5: how do they know what other planets are made off, how can the be so sure? Jupiter could be made of a completely unknown gas?


ElI5: how do they know what other planets are made off, how can the be so sure? Jupiter could be made of a completely unknown gas?

In: 96

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dear 5 year old, we have telescopes that allows us to see planets. Using what we see, with the help of science*, we compare the light (wavelength) that the telescopes captures. Based on the elements we studied on earth, we are very certain of our guess of what material the other planets are made of.

* the science – Spectroscopy. Similar to how a prism splits light into rainbows, Grating is used to spread out light from an object by wavelength. Comparing the wavelength (computers makes it easier), we can find elements, temperature, and density of objects. My sis is a Chem major and she uses Spectroscopy sometimes to study objects she has on hand as well.

Sauce: Phy 190 class (Astronomy). I may be wrong as I’m not a Physicist, just took some first year courses on science.

Also, nmxt’s comment is pretty close to what we did in lab class

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