Eli5: How do VPNs work?


I understand the end result. “Oh hey, I’m not at work but now I can access work’s network and things.” But how does it WORK?

In: Technology

4 Answers

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**Snail Mail Analogy**

**Scenario 1 – normal communication**

You write a letter to someone. You have their address and your address on the envelop and your letter in side. The people at the Post Office handle it and make sure it is delivered.

**Scenario 2 – VPN**

But, you don’t trust the people at the Post Office. You don’t want them to know that you’re communicating with that other person. You also fear they might be opening your envelop and reading your letters.

So instead you make an arrangement with a trusted third party. You send a package to this third party. On the outside of the package is your address and this third party’s address.

Inside the package is a lock box. Inside the lock box is the identity of the person you want to contact and your message to them. When they receive your package from the post office, they open it, unlock the box, then they send a letter from them to the person you say.

The post office can’t look inside the lock box. They only see messages going from you to the trusted third party and then from the trusted third party to the recipient, but have no way of correlating those two messages as a single line of communication.

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