Eli5: How do water lines on a boat work?


I’ve been watching a lot of boat building videos on YouTube but I never got the concept of water lines.

I get that you can draw a horizontal line across the hull but how do you determine that it will be the waterline? Is it just a rough estimate based on Archimedes or is there some other witch craft going on?

In: Engineering

4 Answers

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On the plans it is a rough estimate based on Archimedes principle. You take the weight of the boat and the displacement bellow the waterline and these should match up. But once you have the boat on the water you can adjust this by adding or removing ballast. All boats have ballast at their keel which they use to adjust the waterline to where it should be. So even if you do not build the boat exactly as planned and the waterline is a bit off you can still compensate.

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