eli5 How do we decide which one is North Pole and which is south pole? The space is almost infinite on all directions. So what we see on map might be wrong right? I mean it could also be upside down too.


eli5 How do we decide which one is North Pole and which is south pole? The space is almost infinite on all directions. So what we see on map might be wrong right? I mean it could also be upside down too.

In: Earth Science

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The earth rotates around its axis, and its axis goes through both poles. It happens to wobble in its orbit, so the location of the North Pole actually changes. On top of that, the earth has tectonic plates that float around on a bed of mantle and magma, adding even more instability.

Basically the north pole is constantly changing, and will be in a slightly different spot every year.

Not to be confused with the MAGNETIC North Pole, which actually exists near the southern geographical pole. Kinda confusing I know. But your North compass points North, because it’s attracted to the South magnetic Pole, which is at the geographic North Pole.

There is an angle calculated called the “declination” which is the angle formed by the magnetic North Pole, and the geographic North Pole.

This angle is constantly changing because the magnetic North Pole, as well as the geographic North Pole are constantly changing.
Kinda cool!

And there is no upside down on a map. Down is towards the centre of the earth only.

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