eli5: How do we know that historically accurate things are.. historically accurate?


Let’s go back to the 1600’s. Stuff happened. How do we know this stuff happened – the way people dressed, ate, acted? Is it a collective of surviving evidence gathered from the time? How do we know that written statements from the time period weren’t bullshit? Do we just agree that we can form a general picture of what happened in the past from the surviving evidence?

(1600s used as an example, this applies to general history. I assume things get more questionable the further you go back)

Thank you for indulging a historically-challenged idiot who’s had a few whiskeys.

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some words didn’t exist yet. Cowabunga!

Writers have plenty of letters from that era. That seems to be the jumping off point. Everyone is British, for some reason.

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