eli5: How do we know that historically accurate things are.. historically accurate?


Let’s go back to the 1600’s. Stuff happened. How do we know this stuff happened – the way people dressed, ate, acted? Is it a collective of surviving evidence gathered from the time? How do we know that written statements from the time period weren’t bullshit? Do we just agree that we can form a general picture of what happened in the past from the surviving evidence?

(1600s used as an example, this applies to general history. I assume things get more questionable the further you go back)

Thank you for indulging a historically-challenged idiot who’s had a few whiskeys.

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t really. Most of what we know comes from stories passed down, paintings, artifacts etc. We try to peice it together the best we can, but we can’t be 100%.

Its not just recent history either. Dinosaurs probably didn’t look like we think they looked. We just guessed. Modern theory is that the TRex had feathers, very crazy.

Its fun to think what they will think about us 1000 years from now. Maybe all the Golden arches will make them think we worshipped a clown who loved hamburgers.

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