eli5: How does a ban on TikToc actually work?


Disclaimer: I’m old and have never used TicTok. As I understand it most social media apps track everything about the users. I’m assuming the backlash on this one app is the data is in the hands of the Chinese.

But – again I’m old – if millions have it on their phone already, they can’t stop them from using it. Is that accurate? If so, when kids hear it will be banned, doesn’t it simply create a rush to download it and accomplish the opposite of what the lawmakers want?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

TikTok requires an internet connection to work, and that internet traffic is not that hard to monitor and block if the government actually set it’s mind to doing so. Having the app on the phone doesn’t do anything if it can’t establish a connection to the TikTok servers.

Further, a lot of TikTok’s infrastructure is physically located within the US, meaning it wouldn’t be hard to seize, and it’s not like it can be easily moved overseas.

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