Eli5: how does a cord landline work when the power is out?


Like the phones that have a special plug and everything, the cord one still work when the electricity is out and they don’t seem to have batteries in there, so how and why do they still work

In: 142

24 Answers

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First, **the corded phones are simple machines, powered by the signal in the phone line itself.** The phone system is basically a second set of power lines with a dedicated purpose. The sound is sent as vibrating electrical signal like a speaker or headphone cable. Other signals, like punching a number, is just a specific sound, that devices are tuned to respond to.

**As long as the phone company keeps their lines up and powered, it will keep operating**, entirely independent of the electric grid. The phone company often runs it’s own generation, since they require a fairly consistent supply and are already centralized so it’s much cheaper.

**If the power grid goes down due to supply/demand issues** (e.g. hot summer day overloaded by ACs, power plant failure, …), **the phone grid is liable to stay up** as it’s not as susceptible to this failure. If a tree falls on your neighborhood lines, however, it’ll take everything out together and you’ll be completely disconnected.

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