Eli5: how does a cord landline work when the power is out?


Like the phones that have a special plug and everything, the cord one still work when the electricity is out and they don’t seem to have batteries in there, so how and why do they still work

In: 142

24 Answers

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The old telephone system had batteries that sent power over the phone line. If the power went out, the phone would have power unless the phone line was cut. How long they lasted depended on how many lines there were connected to it, how old the battery was, and how many calls were made. They could last a few hours to several days.

Many now have landlines through cable service. They have battery back ups too, either in a box on a pole or along the street, or in a box inside the house. They typically provide power for up to a day or so, if the battery is new, but there are several added connection between the house and the telephone system, and if any of those has lost power with failed backup power you still won’t get a connection.

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