Eli5 how does a cpu work so well at its scale?


Can’t wrap my head around how fast the transistors and stuff works at that tiny of scale…

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you imagine that you’re a messenger passing data from one transistor to another.

If the transistor is the size of a house, you have to walk through 3 rooms to pass on the data.

If the transistors are the size of a room you only have to walk a few steps

If they are the size of a small table you can just hand over the data quickly without having to walk.

Same deal with transistors, when they’re smaller the length the data has to travel is shorter

Anonymous 0 Comments

A cpu being small is beneficial in terms of speed. If transistors are right next to each other electricity takes less time travelling.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You might want to read about [Dennard Scaling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennard_scaling). For things like integrated circuits, smaller is better (to a point). Performance per watt improves as you shrink the circuits.