Eli5: How does a group of musicians “jam”?


How does a group of musicians, who may never have played together before, start to play together and make cohesive music? I don’t mean over time, I mean in that first session, good musicians seem to have an intuition of what the others are about to play.

In: Other

9 Answers

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How do you have a conversation with a group of people you just met? You find common ground, you explore different subjects, you use humour to lighten the mood, you ask questions to learn more about the others. Depending on the point of view and experiences each person brings, it can be easy and fun, or long and terrible.

Music is just another language. Some people speak it fluently, some have the basics, and some are just tourists. To jam it helps to find people who speak it on your level. Then, everything is easy, like the conversation above but you all have similar jobs, similar hobbies, similar senses of humour, etc. In that case jamming is fun because it’s easy, almost nothing needs to be said, you just play. Other times, nobody is on the same page and it ends up as a disaster. Exactly the same in both cases.

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