eli5: How does a web app work?


eli5: How does a web app work?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well this is really broad question. But there are 2 sides of web app, frontend and backend. The frontend is the stuff that gets loaded in your browser. JavaScript can add a bit more functionality like switching between pages on button click etc… Then there is backend which runs on the server side and it communicates with the frontend, it’s most common task is to access database.

Here I’ll give you example how a certain app that you have to log in might work.
You enter it’s address in the browser. The server gets request and sends you the main page. Then you enter your account information and click the log in button.
Your information gets sent to the server, it looks for your username in the database, when it finds it, it compares the hashed password to the stored password. If the password matches than it sends a respond back to your browser letting you access your account or something.

That’s probably the most simple explanation I could give.

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