eli5: how does AAA game development work?


When I fire up call of duty there is listed approximately 50 or 60 companies in the opening sequence, yet streamers only ever refer to treyarch. Then I fire uo Witcher 3, and there is credited nearly no companies by comparison yet it is one of best games to come out of the last 6 years. How does AAA game development work?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Treyarch does the black ops series. Treyarch is a studio. Infinity Ward does the modern warfare series. Both are published by Activision. Activision is owned by Blizzard.

Behind the scenes, parts of the game are farmed out to other services. Things like anti-cheat, lobby and server maintenance are examples of this. It all adds up to multiple entries in the credits.

Witcher 3 is a much simpler game. I don’t believe it has online play. It could have fewer publishers in the ownership chain.

AAA is a loose/informal term that describes larger studios with large development and marketing budgets. That’s all.

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