Eli5: How does aerobic exercise helps in increasing your lung capacity and cardiovascular condition?


Eli5: How does aerobic exercise helps in increasing your lung capacity and cardiovascular condition?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a pretty broad question. For a specific answer, you’re really gonna have to ask a more specific question.

As a general rule, all muscles in your body grow and are maintained in an as-needed basis. If you lift 10 kg every day, you arms will have enough muscles to lift 10 kg daily. If you lift 20 kg every day, your muscles will grow to match that demand. (Etc. etc. etc.) A similar effect works on your heart (although the heart rarely actually grows in size) and lungs, causing them to adjust their working parameters to the demand of your daily activities. By performing activities that require increased heart and lung function, you basically signal your body that this is a task it should be able to complete. The body will respond by enlarging some blood vessels, narrowing others, increasing heart speed, etc.