Eli5: How does chromatography work?


* How does it separate a mixture ?
* Does it separate something to all of it’s core components?
* Can we use it to break down the core components to their core components?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So there are different types and techniques of chromatography, but they all work by the same priciple.
Separating a substance into its components by using their different properties.

A substance that’s composed of multiple components moves across a surface that has a certain property, let’s say a positive charge. If all components of the substance have a different charge (different in strength and + or-) they will be attracted to the surface to different degrees. A strongly negatively charged component would stick to the surface, whereas a positively charged component would travel further along with the substance it comes from.

I hope this helped, it’s very hard to explain this in a way a five year old would understand.

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