Eli5 How does every sperm know to swim to the egg?


Eli5 How does every sperm know to swim to the egg?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a chemical trail leading toward the currently released egg, the sperm follow this chemical trail that gets stronger the closer to the egg they get. Sperm don’t know anything, they simply respond to the stimuli from the chemical trail.

It’s facinating to know that the first sperm there is not always the first to win. The egg plays a role in the selection process too

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t. Many sperm actually end up going the wrong way.

There is a chemical detection system as the other comment or said but tbh a big part of it is just that there’s a LOT of sperm

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many don’t. Read up on how the things we consume: namely meats, pollution, cigarettes, chemicals in our body sprays. They’re hormone influencers and that affects a females egg quality and a males sperm quality. I used to work at a fertility clinic. So many people have fertility issues stemming from our diet, ineffective sleep, lack of physical exercise.