Eli5: How does Google ‘listen’ to you? Is there actually a program running in the background on your phone that records your voice and sends it to google?


Eli5: How does Google ‘listen’ to you? Is there actually a program running in the background on your phone that records your voice and sends it to google?

In: 2057

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well… IMO google listening is unfeasable, processing audio and analyzing it on a large scale requires a huge amount of computation…

What is feasble, that google has your habits, the habits of your friends and family, what you did, when, your ISP data and everything…

That metadata gives them the ability to make a machine learning model of you… kind of creepy but google knows you better than your wife… sometimes even yourself…

Your desires, present and future, your intent, your lifecycle… Compared to computers… Humans are easy to figure out….

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