Eli5: how does hackers infiltrate random mid-size company?


I’m saying random mid-size to exclude hackers with heavy resource and motivation to hack said company. I would assume Microsoft, banks, google etc all get heavily attacked every day. But like a random mid-size company for the average joe. How do they infiltrate e.g. their servers and take ransom of all their project files?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually it’s by sending an email with malware in it. They open the email, and the malware gives them a foothold in the network they can exploit.

A really good one is to at least get into the email system this way, even if you can’t get any further. Just pick a high exec and start reading the emails. Learn the manner of writing, when they’re in the office, etc. Then you can send an email to the computer admins telling them to give “new employee” (you) admin access to the system.

Most attacks leverage humans, not breaking through the security software directly from the outside.

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