Eli5: How does hacking work? What languages do you need and how do you link them? How people make a living with it?


Eli5: How does hacking work? What languages do you need and how do you link them? How people make a living with it?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

from what one understands you need a working knowledge of the SYSTEMS you intend to “hack”, but most of what’s done today revolves around social engineering, as in since these system are human designed, they are prone to have errors somewhere(Exploits), or the security policy of the owner might not be as tight as you think(tricking people into giving crucial information). a Savvy hacker takes advantage of these flaws to skip having to do brute-force work that would likely trip most automated security systems.

they Way Hackers can make a living is basically by employed by companies to Attack their systems in “Penetration tests” so they can figure out potential flaws before a malicious user does, or they hire these folks as part of their cyber security staffs to manage these system themselves. the ” less than legal” ones invade these system without the owner’s knowledge and sell the info they got to 3rd parties.

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